Thanks for sharing your thougths. I understand your anger but I can understand the "other side" too. In my view at its core this is the same argument between form vs function.
Some people would argue that function should always dominate everything else and I think the way HTML is designed is very much aligned with this view.
On the other hand I firmly believe that there are many designers who would prefer this the other way around. Think of this as a different preference order: first create something visually pleasing for healthy humans to enjoy on screen, then, and only then move to other areas like accessibility, search optimization, performance and so on. This is the opposite extreme but just as much legitimate as the other.
The problem is that HTML is kind of like a bully and does not leave much room for the second scenario, hence the chaotic attempts you are angry about.
We all know the tenet that a website should perfectly function without any CSS and JS but what if I want a beautiful website regardless of how bad its semantics or performance is? Who gets to decide what is more important on the web?