Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Creating a better keyboard layout with a better key mapping is extremely difficult. I have been trying to design a new international keyboard for the past couple of years and every time I improve one aspect of the notorious QWERTY keyboard another worsens. I am beginning to think that it is mathematically impossible to create a better physical keyboard, only one that is bad differently.
As a metaphor, people will not switch to buy organic food en masse for twice as much as regular food because the benefits and drawbacks cancel each other out and you end up with an equal product at best not an overall better one.
In this case, QWERTY with the staggered layout already has a massive head start and so even if a challenger is better in some technical areas it still has to make up for and truly overflow this extra difference by being much, much better.
It is also interesting that you decided to compare the evolution of smartphones to physical keyboards, because the very reason we have the iPhone today is that Jobs decided to shave off physical keyboards from smartphones.
But how do you think a future physical keyboard should look like?